The Ground Source Heat Pump Rebate Program will provide up to $15,000,000 for the installation of ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems. Funding for GSHP systems has been allocated by the New York Public Service Commission through the Clean Energy Fund (CEF) and is available only for projects located on sites that pay, or, in the case of systems installed as part of new construction projects, will pay the SBC/CEF surcharge. Rebates must be passed along to Site Owners. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis, as follows:
Projects comprising small-scale GSHP systems (≤ 10 AHRI rated cooling tons) are eligible for a Rebate of $1,500 per cooling ton; and
Projects comprising large-scale GSHP systems (> 10 AHRI rated cooling tons) are eligible for a Rebate of $1,200 per cooling ton.
For Projects installed in single-family homes, regardless of cooling ton capacity, Rebates are limited to no more than $15,000 per home. Rebate amounts for Projects comprising large-scale GSHP systems (regardless of actual installed cooling capacity) are limited to no more than $500,000 per building. The maximum funding available for any single Site is $1,000,000. NYSERDA reserves the right to further limit the number and amount of Rebates per Participating Installer, Participating Designer, Site Owner, site, or meter. Additional Program descriptions, eligible participants, and all Program requirements are provided in the Ground Source Heat Pump Rebate Manual.
Applications accepted: through June 30, 2019 by 5:00 p.m. EST, or until funds are fully committed, whichever occurs first For additional details, and associated documents visit: Any technical questions should be directed to: Program Staff,